TIP: To learn all of Android Studio keyboard shortcuts go to Help > Default Keymap Reference. Keyboard Shortcuts (Delete and consolidate with tables below)īelow is a list of "vital few" shortcuts that will make you more productive when using Android Studio.
XML markup – use XML markup instead of Java code whenever you can. RecycleView – to not have to rely on the ListView or the GridView.
Constraint Layout – to not have to rely of fragment.Generate Tool – create code automatically for classes after fields have been defined (e.g., constructor(s), getters/setters, toString method, etc.).Icon Maker – create various density icons from with Android Studio easily.Menu Maker – create menu code with UI interface.Live Templates – expand code from shortcuts.
Refactoring – Replace, move, delete or update code in multiple places all at once. SHIFT + SHIFT – Search for anything especially files. ALT + ENTER – Quick Fix for many code completion and remediation. Project Templates – Use as a starting template for a given project. See feautures associated with Android versions at. Lollipop-5.0 (Material Design Graphical language and ART- Android Run Time Virtual Machine). I ce Cream Sandwich-4.0-4.04 (Voice recognition, Roboto font, etc.). H oneycomb-3.0.x-3.2 (Original for tablets only but was later merged into the next versions). F royo-2.2x (Significant release-(e.g., push notification, memory/performance optimization)). The earlier versions 1.0 and 1.1 were not released under specific code names - Wikipedia NO LONGER NEEDED WITH ANDROID STUDIO 2.0.Īndroid versions are in alphabetical order and are based on some type of confectionery-themed code name starting with Cupcake. ProGuard tool to minimized app size (by removing unused code) and obfuscate code (by renaming classes, fields and methods with obscure names). Lint inspection tool to check for performance, usability, etc. Gradle-based build system to customize building of apps for multiple APKs. Templates to create common layouts (e.g., Login, Master/Detail). WYSIWYG editor for multiple screen sizes and resolutions and orientation. Android JAR file (app framework classes). Ultimate Edition (paid version) that includes additional tools for working with JavaScript, Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) apps and databases. Android Studio is based on JetBrains IntelliJ software ( ) that is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for creating Android apps for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.